Tag: Shit

I Saw Two Dads Lose Their Shit at the Mall

I’ll never forget those two different days back in 1998 for as long as I live. I still think about it 25 years later and can’t seem to get it out of my mind. I saw Mall-Shopping Dads Gone Wild. You see a lot of crazy things, working retail in shopping malls. I had worked at three othe...

Welcome To Planet 325765-E, AKA The Beautiful Shit Machine

There’s something profoundly satisfying about emptying one’s rainbow colon into the chattering liquid, surrounded by luminous green fern and the mid-frequency hip hop of forest-dwelling Avifaunae. And one could argue that such a vivid experience might well be so infused with deli...

Holy shit, being an ally isn’t about me!

Five months ago: In Pantsuit Nation, a black woman posted a thread asking for input from other people of color (POC). It seemed innocuous enough a request. Surely in this liberal sea of white, the melanin-deficient progressives would allow the POC one lousy post without intrusion, right? Wrong. Angr...