Holy shit, being an ally isn’t about me!

<p>Five months ago: In Pantsuit Nation, a black woman posted a thread asking for input from other people of color (POC). It seemed innocuous enough a request. Surely in this liberal sea of white, the melanin-deficient progressives would allow the POC one lousy post without intrusion, right? Wrong. Angry white commenters hijacked and derailed the post, accusing the black woman of everything from racism to &ldquo;separation politics.&rdquo; Clambering at the opportunity to chime in (because I also felt the pain of being silenced while white), I rushed to her defense, asking my own skinfolk to sit out one solitary post directed at, and for, POC. Serendipitously, a black woman replied to me and asked if I wanted to become a member of an intersectional feminist group led by WOC (women of color) and for WOC. Heck yes, I wanted to join because I was not a racist &mdash; not this white woman. That is how I found myself in a WOC-led, intersectional feminism group &mdash; a group to which I still belong.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@realtalkwocandallies/holy-shit-being-an-ally-isnt-about-me-ae2de5c47514"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: holy Shit