Tag: ships

Trucks, ships, planes, and trains: How shipping will be carbon neutral in the next 25 years

Just stop oil is an easy slogan, but the global shipping industry is only growing. Valued at $2.2 trillion in 2021, by 2031 it will have doubled in size. Container shipping makes up a small part of that, but there are trucks, trains, and planes in that mix. Almost all of it runs on fossil fuels and ...

Wail, O Ships: The Role of the Sea in the Bible

Mention of the sea almost always spells trouble in the Bible. In the seventh chapter of Genesis, the seas burst forth and swallow up all earthly life save Noah, his family, and the animals he gathered on his Ark. The prophet Jonah, having been commanded by the Lord to minister to the ‘evil&rsq...

USA Owns “Space Ships” And Human Colonies On Mars

In the last interview with UFO Channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally said everything he found: “I’ve been working on this for months and months. I kept thinking that eventually, I would still open this door.” McKinnon says he used Landsearch, which allowed him to search all the ...