Trucks, ships, planes, and trains: How shipping will be carbon neutral in the next 25 years

<p>Just stop oil is an easy slogan, but the global shipping industry is only growing. Valued at $2.2 trillion in 2021, by 2031 it will have doubled in size. Container shipping makes up a small part of that, but there are trucks, trains, and planes in that mix. Almost all of it runs on fossil fuels and there is no sign that it will transition to renewables any time soon.</p> <p>Electric vehicles makers like Tesla tout the environmental benefits of their cars, and they do have some benefits, but scaling those up to the shipping industry runs into all kinds of problems. Nevertheless, those problems are not as insurmountable as certain naysayers, particularly lawmakers, assume.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Trucks ships