Tag: Shifts


Shifts start their bloom innocently enough one moment you’re rehearsing dance steps to the rhythm of the ticking clock a step is a second an entire dance could take mere minutes You tap dance through years of lazy midnights drinking the dawn Read More

Carbocation Rearrangements: Hydride and Methyl Shifts

A hydride is a hydrogen atom with two electrons and a negative -1 charge. An alkyl, or methyl, shift is the movement of an entire “R” group, where R can stand for any grouping of molecules. Having completed a multitude of practice reactions, one can see that the stability of intermediate...

How 13,000 Years of Agricultural Shifts, Alliances, and Conflicts in Israel Wove Human Identities

Through the lens of samskaras — defined in Vedanta Philosophy as the deepest impressions arising from actions and experiences — and vasanas — the latent tendencies conditioned by these subconscious imprints — the article aims to examine how generational habits...

3 Mental Shifts to Help You Make Peace with Your Body

Sometimes, people gave me a different version of the message, cloaked in concern for their health: “I know it’s just not healthy for me to weigh this much…I’ve got to get this weight off before [summer, the holidays, my class reunion…] And then the next thing so ma...