Tag: Shapes

MOVSUM: A Journey of Lines and Shapes

The Art of Dance From exciting hip-hop dance floors to the expansive canvas of digital artistry, my journey has always revolved around lines and movement. Dancing, especially hip-hop, was my first true language — a means through which I translated the world around me. There was artistry eve...

Creating Complex SwiftUI Shapes Using Design Tools

Shapes and Paths are powerful primitives that can be used in many situations. However, there are instances when more complex shapes are needed. Apple has provided support for custom drawing with two integrated tools: Paths and Shapes. A Shape is made up of a serie...

Lisbon: How Geography Shapes a Culture

Long before cities like Paris, Munich, and London began to emerge, one Western European city stood above the rest. Known for its culture, elegance, and community, this city was developed on seven hills surrounding the beautiful blue-teal waters of its harbor and beyond. Known for Fado music, melanch...

Healthy or not, here I come. Physical and mental shapes of waiting.

Rethinking and redesigning health and care is both easy and difficult. It is easy if we see healthcare as a smooth assembly line that produces either cured or dead people — one of the two will inevitably happen sooner or later. If we look at healthcare as a production li...

Our Environment Shapes Us More Than Astrology

Since I was young, I liked astrology and I wanted to become an astrologer because I was fascinated by understanding people’s lives, and I believed in astrology’s potential to guide and assist others. So I started checking horoscopes and listening to online tarot readers and astrologer...

From mind to design — how neuroscience shapes UX storytelling

When we hear a story, our brains focus more on what the characters are thinking or feeling, rather than just the events. This helps us practice social skills and strengthen our brain connections. According to Dr. Paul J. Zak, In his recent MIT SMR article, “The Neuroscience of Customer...

Beyond Shapes and Lines: How Geometry Unveils the True Nature of Reality

Introduction Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids. While it may seem like an abstract and theoretical concept, geometry plays a fundamental role in uncovering the true nature of reality. T...

Geometry: The Art of Shapes

Geometry, the study of shapes, patterns, and their properties is often perceived as a purely mathematical discipline. However, it holds a profound connection to art, where shapes not only convey mathematical concepts but also evoke emotions, stimulate creativity, and enhance aesthetic expression. ...

The power of shapes in nature

These are the last days of our wonderful vacation in New Zealand. It was also a gratifying trip for my botanical and scientific heart. Over the past decades I have grown more and more in the direction of geometry, more specifically the application of my work in mathematics, technology, science, and ...

Our Democracy Isn’t Very Democratic

Ifyou walk around Washington DC or any state capital, the architecture will try to tell you something. You’ll likely see a lot of white marble, “tall columns, symmetrical shapes, triangular pediments, and domed roofs,” all of which, according to the Architect of the Capitol, a...

Key takeaways from Mismatch — How Inclusion Shapes Design by Kat Holmes

In her book “Mismatch — How Inclusion Shapes Design,” Kat Holmes provides valuable insights into the crucial elements that must be integrated into new design innovations. Through a variety of real-world examples, ranging from the inclusive product design of OXO Tools for Alzheimer&...

How Environment Shapes The Narcissist

For a narcissist to flourish, they need two simple ingredients: A willing sacrifice, and weak boundaries. Yet how the narcissist operates in the world depends enormously on the environment they choose to inhabit. Narcissistic supply can take many shapes. Sex. Money. Attention. Adulation. Acknowle...

The Power of Style: How Fashion Shapes Your Identity

Fashion is an integral part of modern society, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. From the clothes we wear to the accessories we choose, fashion is a form of self-expression that reflects our identity. It provides people with an opportunity to showcase their personality, creativity, a...