Tag: Shamanism

Jewish Shamanism: Sacred Kabbalah

In the rich tapestry of Jewish spirituality, a unique and often less-explored path exists — Jewish Shamanism. Rooted in the ancient traditions of Judaism, this spiritual approach weaves together mystical elements, ritual practices, and a deep connection to the Divine. Judaism, one of the ol...

On Neo-Shamanism

In the twentieth century, the work of Eliade and Lévi-Strauss on shamanism led to the emergence of a first theory considering the therapeutic benefits of shamanic practice, thereby contrasting with antecedent theories in anthropology that defined shamanism as a mental illness or as a farce. A...

3 Snippets about Shamanism

In a nutshell, shamanism is a set of techniques to communicate with nature and the spirit worlds for reciprocal healing, empowerment, and guidance. Such techniques are found all over the world, and archeological evidence shows they have been practised since the beginning of time. It is a very ...