Tag: Score

A Comprehensive Guide to FMCSA’s CSA Score and ISS Score for Drivers

The CSA Score is calculated using data from various sources, including inspections, crash reports, and enforcement data. The score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a higher level of safety risk. ISS Score The ISS Score, on the other hand, measures a driver's compliance wit...

Propensity score matching in Stata

At its most basic, propensity score matching is a technique that balances the distribution of baseline covariates between groups so that the independent effect of an intervention can be measured. This can be important when comparing the effectiveness of two treatments outside of a randomised cont...

Tips to Get the Best HSKK Score

For those of you new to Chinese language tests, HSKK stands for “汉语水平口语考试 (hànyǔ shuǐpíng kǒuyǔ kǎoshì)” and is a standardized oral test that aims to test examinees’ ability in spoken Chinese. HSKK is the oral test portion of the HSK and is...