Tips to Get the Best HSKK Score

<p>For those of you new to Chinese language tests, HSKK stands for &ldquo;汉语水平口语考试 (h&agrave;nyǔ shuǐp&iacute;ng kǒuyǔ kǎosh&igrave;)&rdquo; and is a standardized oral test that aims to test examinees&rsquo; ability in spoken Chinese. HSKK is the oral test portion of the HSK and is divided into 3 levels:</p> <p>● HSKK Test Prep (Beginner Level)<br /> ● HSKK Test Prep (Intermediate Level)<br /> ● HSKK Test Prep (Advanced Level)</p> <p>Lately, the questions about how to prepare for the HSKK Intermediate exam have been flooding in. Without further ado, here are the top tips for Chinese language learners looking to get the best score on their intermediate HSKK exam.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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