Tag: scary

The ChatGPT of Robotics has arrived… And it’s very scary.

In the aesthetic design of products, simplicity is often viewed as the pinnacle of sophistication. So when one peels back the layers to understand an incredibly intricate technology like RoboCat, one should be aiming for simplicity in understanding, but appreciation for the depth of innovation. ...

AI is not as scary as you think.

News feeds have recently been inundated with terrifying headlines about AI. Everyone is talking about the rise of the machines and how AI will fundamentally change our lives. Headlines are screaming that AI will take everyone’s jobs, create new religions or even kill everyone. This buzz has re...

The Scary Truth About Human Empathy’s Decline No One Talks About

I got a strange message the other day. It was, I presume, from a very young man. And apart from being drenched in that unmistakable adolescent anger at everything and everyone, it also implied that I’m being far too sensitive and whiny. Just like all the other women on the...

Could Apple drop a few MASSIVE surprises at Scary Fast?

Sitting writing this story, Apple’s Scary Fast event is only a few hours away. Apple has thrown us at every touch and turn this year — first with that gold rush of goodies in January and then the big one — WWDC and the unveiling of Vision Pro. Of course, the iPhon...

Do 1 thing now before the scary 2024 recession takes your job

More and more, I’m running into articles like this one about massive lineups at job fairs for low-paying retail jobs. It reminds me of perhaps my most re-watched movie of all time, The Big Short. In that tale of the 2008 financial meltdown, there are these two numbskulls w...

Why Do You Only See Me as Big, Black, and Scary?

I’ve heard it all. And if the past designs the future, I expect to hear it all again: “We need someone to stand by the door.” “You’ve done time, right?” “Hey, we’re having trouble with this guy. You can take him.” “Don’t h...

Another Scary Day in the News.

It’s hard for me to put it all together, but the Trump show is drifting out of this dimension. I did a scan of the news this morning, and there was a lot poop on the Donald and some other stuff. He is going to lose his bench trial for lying about his property values. He inflated the values ...

A Simple Plan for Making New Friends as an Adult *

Appearances to the contrary, everybody on the planet has made —or at some point in life, will make — a “voyage” as scary as that of a refugee in a skiff on rough seas. A few are public. Most are not. God set the world up this way. He wants us to learn to love each other. W...

Speaking in English in the Philippines as a Filipino Is Scary

Speaking in English in the Philippines as a Filipino is scary because, here, if you speak English and you are not a foreign person, you are trying hard — a pretentious person who wants to appear better than others. And then when you make a grammar mistake, even if you say just the wrong wor...

Dinosaurs are scary in Chinese (Here’s why)

“Learn to say ‘dinosaur’ in Chinese, lest you find yourself in the fearful position of trying to talk to a Chinese-speaking dino-obsessed little boy one day and don’t have a digital dictionary handy.” Mrmm, okay. Not the most erudite of sentences, but the best one...