Tag: Sanskrit

Old Sanskrit Writings…It seems impossible, but lost technology is Obvious

In the rich tapestry of Sanskrit literature and during the Vedic period in ancient India, a diverse array of themes and subjects were explored, reflecting the intellectual and spiritual depth of the civilization. This period was characterized by a profound transition from primarily religious content...

Where Words Come From: Sanskrit Political Names Edition!

The surname Ramaswamy is a compound of the proper name “Rama” and the title “swami”. Both of these words come from Sanskrit, an Indo-European language related (though distantly) to English. Rama (Sanskrit राम) is a a Hindu deity and the central character...

How Old Is Sanskrit?

Sanskrit is the oldest language that is still spoken. About 25,000 people in India consider it to be their first language. As of 2011, the country had another two million Sanskrit speakers. The United States has the most higher education institutes that offer Sanskrit courses (36), followed by India...

How Old Is Sanskrit?

Sanskrit is the oldest language that is still spoken. About 25,000 people in India consider it to be their first language. As of 2011, the country had another two million Sanskrit speakers. The United States has the most higher education institutes that offer Sanskrit courses (36), followed by India...

I Am Become Death: An Essay on Sanskrit Literature

MyExperience with Hindi, Sanskrit, and NSLI Over the past five weeks, I have been learning Hindi with the National Security Language Initiative for Youth Virtual Summer Intensive (NSLI-Y VSI). The NSLI-Y VSI is a program of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultu...

The Sanskrit word for war: the scene in Arrival, explained

The movie’s main character, Dr. Louise Banks, a professor of linguistics, is confronted by US Army Colonel Weber to do some alien translations but is rejected when Dr. Banks tells the Colonel she’ll need to interact with the aliens to gain any real information. At this, the Colonel leave...