Tag: Salesforce

Salesforce — A $205 Billion Startup That Most Don’t Understand What It Does.

e: “Hey! So what do you do for a living?” Salesforce Friend: “I’m an SFE, a salesforce engineer.” Me: “Oh yeah, you told me that before. Remind me what they do again. Is it like a customer relationship management software?” Salesforce Friend: &ldquo...

Salesforce — A $205 Billion Startup That Most Don’t Understand What It Does.

Me: “Hey! So what do you do for a living?” Salesforce Friend: “I’m an SFE, a salesforce engineer.” Me: “Oh yeah, you told me that before. Remind me what they do again. Is it like a customer relationship management software?” Salesforce Friend: &ldqu...

Slack — The Lost Battle That Got Sold To Salesforce.

Investor Question — How will you stop competition? Honestly, this is one of the most vital questions that’s usually asked in pitch decks. Whatever startup you have, how could you stop a giant like Microsoft from coming after you by creating your exact platform? You can&rsquo...