Tag: Sake

Stop Using the Word ‘Sustainability’ for God’s Sake

For millions of years us, humans, were part of Nature. We were born in the wild, lived in the wild, died in the wild. We ate what we found, drank the waters of rivers and streams, breathed air purified by trees. Just like any other mammalian species on Earth. The false belief, that we’ve someh...

Our Obsession With Change for Change’s Sake

Blaise Pascal once observed that all of humanity’s problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room for 30 minutes. We’ll spend money on things we barely want, embark on crazy journeys, or even take over countries to pacify our minds. We’re like monkeys taking directions f...

For the Sake of Allah: The Sacred Covenant of Marriage in Islam

In the realm of Islamic beliefs, the sacred institution of marriage is woven with threads of devotion, commitment, and a profound sense of purpose. As a Muslim, I find solace in the understanding that our unions are not mere partnerships; they are solemn covenants entered into for the sake of All...

Should One Ever Convert for the Sake of Their Relationship

Interfaith relationships, where people with different religious backgrounds come together, are becoming more prevalent nowadays. These relationships offer a great opportunity for individuals to learn and appreciate other religions, but they also pose unique challenges. One such challenge is when one...

Why a Black Student Was Pressured to Conform for The Sake of Unity

Far too often, Black Americans are pressured to conform for the sake of unity, to assimilate into a white-centered society, which has become painfully evident in the way Black students are punished for wearing natural hairstyles instead of cutting their hair or straightening it using chemi...

Doing Science for Its Own Sake

In the Jewish Sanhedrin, Rabbi Yehuda recognized that some believers perform their religious duties — mitzvahs, and pursue scholarship of the Torah’s teaching as ways for gaining external benefits. And so, he noted: “through repeatedly doing something not for its own...