Our Obsession With Change for Change’s Sake

<p>Blaise Pascal once observed that all of humanity&rsquo;s problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room for 30 minutes. We&rsquo;ll spend money on things we barely want, embark on crazy journeys, or even take over countries to pacify our minds. We&rsquo;re like monkeys taking directions from our masters. We react to any impulse that comes up &mdash; no matter how fleeting or destructive.</p> <p>My friend recently told me a story about two men in prison discussing the problems of society. One of the young men thought we were at the dawn of a new age, and the scientific breakthroughs happening were going to fix society&rsquo;s issues once and for all. The other man was more pessimistic. He thought no matter how smart or sophisticated we become, we&rsquo;ll still kick up dust because we&rsquo;re bored. Everything could be perfect and we&rsquo;ll create a problem simply to entertain ourselves. We could be in the Garden of Eden, yet still find something to complain about.</p> <p><a href="https://thetaoist.online/our-obsession-with-change-for-changes-sake-0a9b46556093"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Obsession Sake