Tag: Sad

I’m So Happy. Oh, I Am So Sad

She’s confused. My daughter. She’s not sure why I’m dancing. I don’t look especially happy and she caught me crying in the bathroom, so why dance? “Are you happy now, mommy?” She asks. Am I happy? I’m not really happy right now, baby, but I have joy, s...

I’m So Happy. Oh, I Am So Sad

She’s confused. My daughter. She’s not sure why I’m dancing. I don’t look especially happy and she caught me crying in the bathroom, so why dance? “Are you happy now, mommy?” She asks. Am I happy? I’m not really happy right now, baby, but I have joy, s...

For You Who are Sad, Like Me

Hands on my face pull down my skin, stretching the wrinkles that betray my thirty-eight years on this Earth hiding my real self from those who would rip it apart. Heavy, heavy heart pregnant with unwelcome thoughts. Down down, down I go like sagging skin melting into a pool of lost h...

The Sad Truth of What It Feels Like to Not Be Seen

Ayoung man on a cruiser bicycle passed me on the street that led to the local high school. I don’t know how old he was, maybe 15 or 17? He had wild black curls, a thin nose, and a dusting of facial hair across the top of his upper lip. He stared right at me and made eye contact, not because...

Why Your Outrage About Cultural Appropriation Is a Sad Waste of Time

As your token non-white friend, you might ask me what I think about the recent incident of cultural appropriation. And depending on your political leanings, you’re probably surprised, outraged, or pleased that I mostly don’t care. Should white musicians be allowed to perform even thou...

The Sad Plight Of The Migrants

The Statue of Liberty in the New York harbor is a symbol of hope and liberty. Immigrants from European countries were welcomed into the United States by the great statue. It may still be that those people are welcome. Refugees are allowed to enter legally. The migrants who are entering the United...