Tag: Rule

Is the Five-Second Rule Legit?

When you major in Food Science you’re confronted with course work about every single foodborne illness and bad bacteria. You memorize which disease gives people explosive diarrhea and which simply gives regular diarrhea. I’m not joking, there was a distinction. The least enjoyable ...

A Select Few To Rule?

If we were to play a word association game, and I said Ancient Athens, what comes to mind? Philosophy? The Olympics? The Parthenon? What about democracy? Athenian democracy is often cited as the first democracy in the world. And who doesn’t like democracy? The populous has a voice. It is no...

What is a dogmatic rule in religion?

Religion is a complex and multifaceted topic that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, and traditions. One key aspect of religious belief is the concept of dogma, which refers to a set of beliefs that are considered to be divinely revealed and therefore beyond question or doubt. Dogmas pl...

5 Stereotypes White America Uses to Rule the World

America is home to 4.23% of the world’s population and yet it nearly a fourth of the world’s GDP. GDP can be confusing to some, so let us look at an easier-to-comprehend number. According to the UBS and Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2023, American househo...

Wrapped Around My Head and Stitched Under My Chin. A Story of Mandatory Hijab Rule for Iranian Women

I was around seven years old when I was confronted for not having a proper hijab for the first time. I still remember what I used to wear. A long-sleeved buttoned dark blue jacket that reached below my knees and a pair of pants made from the same fabric. But I was not wearing my head covering. A whi...

Shams Tabrizi’s 40 Rules Of Love: Rule 21–30

As I Always Say These are the writings of the heart which can only be understood by the heart, not the mind. Take a few deep breaths. Anchor yourself in peace and give yourself permission to read slowly and gently, not understanding any word, but feeling it! That’s Sufism! That’s Love...

The Chain Rule of Calculus: The Backbone of Deep Learning Backpropagation

Deep learning has witnessed remarkable growth and transformation in recent years, enabling machines to tackle complex tasks, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous driving. One of the key components underpinning the success of neural networks is backpropagation, a cru...

The 8-Point Rule of Fashion

The 8 point rule of fashion is self-explanatory but serves a great purpose. The basis of the rule is that every piece of your outfit has a certain number of points designated to it based on the “wow factor” of the piece or accessory. For example, any neutral piece would be worth 1 point....