Tag: Ruins

Matchmaking Ruins Everything

Imagine a 1v1 game (like chess), four players of equal skill, and initial MMR values of 3. Everyone in this example has the same underlying skill, therefore everyone should have similar MMR values. The ideal MMR histogram would essentially be a single column at 3 (with some oscillations). ...

Ruminations on Ruins

It’s a thought that first came to mind as I sat in the Acropolis, probably in my third or fourth hour of just staring at the Parthenon in awe. Parts of the structure remain standing, but the inside is hollowed out and empty, and the entire roof is gone. Nearly the entire famed facade lies in t...

Urban exploration in Almada. A journey through the ruins of Quinta da Arealva.

I took advantage of the excellent weather in mid-April and revisited the Almada area. In the morning, I took a boat from Cais do Sodré pier and walked along the coastal embankment. Walking along the coastal embankment from the pier, you will pass by a graffiti art gallery and an elevat...

Romance Among the Roman Ruins

It feels like only yesterday when I crashed out my chair in the historical city of Bath, and plummeted into the heart-stopping narrative of an unexpected romance. It was a splendid day in this genteel Georgian city, teeming with the echoes of the ancients and the whisperings of timeless romance. ...

Ruminations on Ruins

“I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passion...

I Felt Immense Respect and Gratitude Towards My Ancestors After I Visited The Mayan Ruins

Today the Mayan culture exists through ethnic memory, museum artifacts, archaeological ruins and derivative languages. The soul of any culture or civilization is the people who actively practice its beliefs and philosophies. It pains to see that once such a rich & thriving civilization, like oth...

The Aesthetics of Urban Decay: Exploring the Beauty in Abandoned Spaces and Ruins

The Aesthetics of Urban Decay: Exploring the Beauty in Abandoned Spaces and Ruins Urban decay is the process of deterioration and abandonment of buildings, structures, and spaces in cities. It is often associated with poverty, crime, pollution, and social problems. However, urban decay can also b...

The Ancient Ruins of Great Zimbabwe: Africa’s Forgotten Kingdom

Nestled in the southeastern hills of Zimbabwe near Lake Mutirikwi and the town of Masvingo, are the ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe — a monumental testament to Africa’s rich and complex past. This vast stone complex, which covers an area of nearly 800 hectares, is the largest of its k...

The ruins of Pompeii, Italy: a time capsule of ancient history

Pompeii was a prosperous city in the ancient Roman era, known for its rich culture, art and architecture. The city prospered through trade and agriculture and attracted a large number of people from different parts of the Roman Empire. On August 24, 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the ci...

Aztec Ruins in Mexico City

Felicia and I are in Mexico City exploring historic sites. This post is largely based on our visit to Aztec civilization ruins and artifacts at Templo Mayor in the Zocalo district and the National Museum of Anthropology in Chapultepec. Templo Mayor was a sacred compound in the Mexica or Aztec capita...

How Forsaking Tradition Ruins Culture

It’s fair to say that in the current moment, western culture is destroying tradition. All the things previously regarded as good are now viewed as an insurmountable evil to be “terminated from this earth”. Tradition is clothed with a reputation of being racist, sexist and overall h...