Tag: Roma

In Search Of Lost Time In Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma

As time moves forward we find ourselves attempting to recover its fragments. In the earliest youth time can lose its very meaning, but as the years accumulate we then look back, as if trying to find photographs in a vast galaxy of memories. Alfonso Cuaron wants to use the very essence of cinema to r...

Rome Roma

Roma has been my favorite city during this trip so far. Not that the cathedrals are more pristine, food more delicious, or cobblestone streets more quintessential, compared to Lisbon, Madrid or Barcelona. The city, feels to me, a lot less pretentious, despite its gorgeousness, and she is, more gr...


You should know right now, if you didn’t know already, that what drives the team behind PARTS UNKNOWN is not to do what we did last week or last month — or ever. We are delighted when our viewers like an episode and even more delighted when they love one. But we are compelled, just the s...

‘Quando a Roma’ — City as a Brand: Promoting the Cultural Heritage of Rome

With the world of marketing and advertisement constantly changing and evolving, it is now so important and crucial for cities, as well as companies, to brand and market themselves properly and appropriately to keep pace with this continuous change. As consumers, we are goaded by hundreds of brands o...