‘Quando a Roma’ — City as a Brand: Promoting the Cultural Heritage of Rome

<p>With the world of marketing and advertisement constantly changing and evolving, it is now so important and crucial for cities, as well as companies, to brand and market themselves properly and appropriately to keep pace with this continuous change. As consumers, we are goaded by hundreds of brands on a daily basis. Therefore, sometimes we quite naturally make a judgement call on some of these brands simply by how impressed we are with their visual branding. This is, therefore, why the visual aspect of a city in this case is now so important. Over the course of the project, I will ultimately look to take all of this into account as I look to brand Rome, with the concept being of branding the ancient and historic city of ancient Rome in a very modern way with the concept of emotional branding being at the heart of this.</p> <p><a href="https://samsmith-93168.medium.com/quando-a-roma-city-as-a-brand-promoting-the-cultural-heritage-of-rome-9cef9de0e5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Quando Roma