Tag: Robotics

The ChatGPT of Robotics has arrived… And it’s very scary.

In the aesthetic design of products, simplicity is often viewed as the pinnacle of sophistication. So when one peels back the layers to understand an incredibly intricate technology like RoboCat, one should be aiming for simplicity in understanding, but appreciation for the depth of innovation. ...

The Rise of AI-Powered Robotics in Manufacturing and Logistics

The incursion of artificial intelligence (AI) into robotics has transformed manufacturing and logistics from traditional, labor-intensive operations into highly sophisticated, automated systems. The integration of AI into robotics has given rise to intelligent machines capable of performing complex ...

Tech Times : Unveiling the fascinating world of Mobile Robotics!

Too hypothetical? Yeah!! But humans are limited only by their mindsets. The zeal and dare to create something has enabled mankind to reach where it is today! Such is the field of robotics. Legendary roboticists like Rodney Brooks (founder, iRobot) dared to challenge the traditional approach in robot...

An Honest Review of Udacity’s Robotics Nanodegree — First Term

TLDR: It’s ok. I don’t really recommend it. I think there should be twice as much content, and much better presentation at half the price. There are a lot of free content out there that give a much better presentation of the topic. Here’s a compiled a list of curated resources...