Tag: Richmond

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ — The Dangers of Trumpism in 3 Minutes

Oliver Anthony seems more redheaded rube, fallen from the bed of the turnip truck and into the glaring spotlight of 21st Century viral fame, than musical missionary of the new confederacy. Perhaps he’s some brand of hybrid mutant It doesn’t really matter. Whether Anthony is cr...

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Needed a Rewrite

Last month, a seemingly random Youtube video of an unknown musician went viral. It didn’t take long for Anthony Oliver, or Chris Lunsford as The Free Press reports his actual name is, to become the toast of social media. His song, titled ‘Rich Men North of Richmo...

The Rich Men North Of Richmond Rorschach Test

It’s usually a bad sign when someone speaks (or writes) with total confidence, but I’m totally confident you hadn’t heard of country music megastar Oliver Anthony until a couple of weeks ago. I’m guessing some of you are only discovering him now. In just two weeks, Anth...

Thoughts at East Richmond Station

From East Richmond station the sky looks like an ashen sink: Grey perpetual, flat and dirty, Enlivened just enough, With the underlying stain of urban rush, And by the buildings cut into the blur like, Pale blue veins intersecting wrists, That one could deem it beautiful. The ba...

Staten Island Restaurant Tour, Part III: Laila (Richmond Valley)

The enormity of the Staten Island Restaurant Tour is dawning on me. Just as it’s hard to get the giant freestanding letters of the Staten Island Ferry sign in one unobstructed shot, having a meal near each of the 21 rail stops in New York’s least frequented borough is going to be a chall...

Sorry, Rich Men North of Richmond is More of The Same

Call me prejudiced if you want, but there are plenty of examples of this garbage spread throughout the Country music loving world. I would go so far as to say the vast majority of what that lot call patriotism, also has a foundation of white supremacy attached to it because the so-called good old da...