Sorry, Rich Men North of Richmond is More of The Same

<p>Call me prejudiced if you want, but there are plenty of examples of this garbage spread throughout the Country music loving world. I would go so far as to say the vast majority of what that lot call patriotism, also has a foundation of white supremacy attached to it because the so-called good old days did not include many of the groups hated by conservatives, so fuck some of you conservatives if you think it is too harsh or pedantic to point it out.</p> <p>Again, maybe Mr. Anthony just wanted to write a song about working people, but as soon as he mentioned the old soul, and blamed poor people or overweight people for eating fudge rounds, all he did was write another racist anthem for the Trump crowd. Even if that was not his initial intention, he still repeated a lying Capitalist slogan. In truth, it does not matter what his intentions were, all we need to do is look at who it speaks to, and that is your typical Trump voting, country music listening redneck.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: North Richmond