Tag: Revolutionary

This Revolutionary Technology Could Unlock The World’s Cleanest Energy

The world is waning under the immense weight of our vast carbon emissions and rife ecological crimes. If we carry on in this way, then Earth will no longer be our bountiful garden of Eden and instead resemble something far closer to hell. To stop this Hadian vision of the future from coming true, hu...

A Revolutionary Battery-Free Photosensor Inspired by the Human Retina

A paper published on April 14, 2023, in the high-impact open-access journal Science Advances may transform how digital cameras will be designed from now on. The novel configuration was inspired by the human retina and the complex network of nerve cells that detect red, green, ...

Unveiling the Potential of Asset Tokenization: Hong Kong’s Revolutionary Regulations

Hong Kong has recently taken a momentous stride in the realm of finance by introducing groundbreaking regulations on asset tokenization. This regulatory framework heralds a new era of opportunities for both enterprises and investors. In this extensive exposition, we shall delve into the complexities...

Land, Space, and Revolutionary Rest

Organized by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Funding Forward took place on unceded homelands of the Council of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi Nations, in the Chicago area this year. During the conference, funders and social movement leaders discussed the landscape of threats facin...

Revolutionary Tesla Update Transforms Driving: Is V12 The Dawn of True Self-Driving Cars?

Central to the advancement in V12 is Tesla’s enhanced reliance on machine learning, particularly with the deployment of their advanced neural networks which are trained on expansive datasets of real-world driving scenarios. This shift from a more deterministic approach to one that is predomina...

A Brief History of the world’s Second-largest political party: The Chinese Communist Party

The CCP was not only founded as a political party but also as a revolutionary movement in 1921, by revolutionaries Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu. These two individuals and a few others had come out of the famous May Fourth Movement of 1919 and had now switched to Marxism after witnessing the victory of B...

The YouTube Revolutionary

The house is bustling. Taiwanese parents are competing for which of their children’s antics are more foolish. The kids are running around without a care in the world. A pot of thin, sliced beef, Bok choy, and napa cabbage centered on the dining table is still boiling for anyone who wants secon...

What if the Singularity was Something Else?

In this article, I want to lay out a different perspective on the Singularity we are living in and explain why this new approach opens up new possibilities for humanity. Most people associate the word “singularity” with the idea of highly intelligent AI taking over the planet. However, w...

The Revolutionary Portrait Photography of Ellen Graham on Display at The Norton Museum of Art

This exhibition invites viewers into the illustrious career of Ellen Graham, celebrating over sixty years of her influential work in portrait photography. "Ellen Graham: Unscripted" provides a deep dive into her achievements, offering a rich narrative of Graham's artistic journey. G...