Tag: Retrofit

API Calls with Retrofit in Android Kotlin: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of modern software development, communication between different software components is crucial. One of the most common ways to achieve this is through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). When it comes to making API calls in Android app development, Retrofit has become the go-to l...

How to Make Multipart Requests in Android with Retrofit | How to upload image to server

In networking, a multipart request is a type of HTTP request that allows you to send multiple types of data in a single request. This can be useful when you need to upload files, such as images or videos, along with other data, such as text or metadata. A multipart request is structured as a seri...

Using Retrofit to upload file and some data on server in Android App.

During my recent project, I utilized the Retrofit library in my App to efficiently handle file uploads alongside additional data fields. While implementing this functionality, I encountered some challenges that I want to share with you. I would like to begin with Retrofit library, Retrofit is a p...

JetPack Compose retrofit multipart image upload

To perform a multipart image upload in an Android app using Jetpack Compose and Retrofit, you’ll need to follow several steps. Jetpack Compose is used for creating the user interface, and Retrofit is used for making HTTP requests to upload the image. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Se...