How to Make Multipart Requests in Android with Retrofit | How to upload image to server

<p>In networking, a multipart request is a type of HTTP request that allows you to send multiple types of data in a single request. This can be useful when you need to upload files, such as images or videos, along with other data, such as text or metadata.</p> <p>A multipart request is structured as a series of parts, where each part contains a different type of data. Each part is separated by a boundary string, which is defined in the request headers. The boundary string must be unique and not occur in any of the data being sent.</p> <p>When the server receives a multipart request, it uses the boundary string to identify the beginning and end of each part. It can then process each part separately, extracting the data and metadata as needed.</p> <p>To create a multipart request, you can use a library such as OkHttp or Volley. Both of these libraries provide methods for creating multipart requests and uploading files.</p> <p>We will be using Retrofit Here to understand how multi part works.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s take an example where the user is registering in your app so on the registration page you ask for user details like email id, name, password, phone number, and user profile image. After the user add these values and click on register, we make an api call to save all this information in the server. Now here user details like email id , name, password, and phone number are the same type which is a string and the User profile image is diff type which is a file for this example.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>