Tag: Requirement

Solving the Families Policy Requirement Rejection in Android PlayStore

A recent challenge many Android developers have faced is the consistent rejection of apps from the PlayStore, particularly concerning the “Families Policy Requirement.” This policy insists that apps targeting children must not transmit specific identifiers, including Android advertising ...

Presenting as Masculine isn’t a Lesbian Requirement

“You’re not man enough for me,” she said with disgust. I placed my phone on the brown leather couch and listened as she told me my voice was too high and I didn’t dress masculinely enough. No amount of backward-fitted caps could make me “manly” enough for her. I f...

Can I End My Requirement to Register as a Sex Offender Early?

If you’re legally required to register as a sex offender, you know it can be a rugged way to live. It’s the modern scarlet letter. Most likely you’re looking forward to the day when you no longer have to put up with the many hassles and embarrassments that go along with sex offende...

Bin the referee requirement in British citizenship applications

What does having ‘professional standing’ mean? It’s essentially means having a very middle-class job, like an accountant, teacher, or lawyer. See the list of suggested professions on the GOV.UK website (Note: this is a page for passport applications, but the citizenship ...

Why you should meet INSEAD’s Exit Language requirement as early as possible

INSEAD’s language policy requires all students to speak at least three languages. In cases in which English is not the native language, these three languages will be: 1 — Your native language 2 — English (called by INSEAD the “entry language”), that can ...