Solving the Families Policy Requirement Rejection in Android PlayStore

<p>A recent challenge many Android developers have faced is the consistent rejection of apps from the PlayStore, particularly concerning the &ldquo;Families Policy Requirement.&rdquo; This policy insists that apps targeting children must not transmit specific identifiers, including Android advertising identifier (AAID), SIM Serial, Build Serial, and more.</p> <p>The problem faced by many developers, including us, was that the solutions available were often not sufficient to meet Google&rsquo;s requirements, leading to back-and-forth communications and repeated rejections. In our case, we stumbled upon an unexpected connection between this requirement and the Facebook SDK.</p> <h1>The Challenge</h1> <p>One of the dependencies which automatically includes the ads permission is from Firebase refer to this release notes:&nbsp;</p> <p>Unfortunately, it will cause an issue that we facing according to this policy guideline :<br /></p> <p>So we remove the permission from our AndroidManifest by adding these lines:</p> <pre> &lt;uses-permission android:name=&quot;; tools:node=&quot;remove&quot; /&gt;</pre> <p>Despite removing the permissions for AD_ID, our app was still being rejected. Even after double-checking the Gradle dependency trees for any suspicious ad-related dependencies, we couldn&rsquo;t find the culprit.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>