Tag: Religious

How an Agnostic Fell in Love with a Religious City

Going to Istanbul was never part of my plan. When I’d first conceived of going on a sabbatical, I had a short list of places I wanted to go. Portugal was at the top of my list as I wanted to scout it out as a new home once I left the states. Greece and Ireland had been on my go-to list sinc...

Religious Texts can Lose Something With Translation

When we read religious texts today, most of them have been translated into modern languages, so that we can understand them more easily. Most ancient religious texts were written in languages that are considered to be ‘dead’ today. For example, the Bible was predominately written in G...

Religious Texts can Lose Something With Translation

When we read religious texts today, most of them have been translated into modern languages, so that we can understand them more easily. Most ancient religious texts were written in languages that are considered to be ‘dead’ today. For example, the Bible was predominately written in G...

Why Bhagavad Gita is More Than Just a Religious Scripture.

I don’t believe in proving someone wrong. I’m not here to showcase the greatness of one religion. But I think that if you truly want to be inspired, it doesn’t matter if the story is real or fictional. We all know Spider-Man is a work of art, a great story that has nothing to do wi...

No Religious Conflict, Only Kindness and Love

As many of you know, I am fighting cancer. I had a chemo treatment Monday that wiped me out. I was basically debilitated for the rest of the day. My 83 year old mother had to fetch and carry for me because I was so weak and I needed help to get to the bathroom. Tuesday I felt better — while...

Religious Absolutism: Isaac and Ishmael

Measuring its ultimate influence is difficult, for the dispute is largely secular, and is seen that way by most Israelis and Palestinians, polls show. In theory, the two sides’ overlapping territorial claims, driven by the clash of two nationalisms, could be resolved by drawing reasonable bord...

5 of the Most Dark Religious Beliefs and Places

Karni Mata Temple in India is also known as the Temple of Rats. The story goes that the son of the Goddess Karni Mata drowned trying to drink from a pond. She begged the God of Death, Yama, for her son’s life. Yama at first refused, but later he decided to bring the son back as a rat and now a...

Psychological Manipulation in Religious Child Rearing

Religious teaching differs from other parental teaching in that some parents use religion as a means of manipulation. Having grown up in a religious family where addiction and codependency were present I witnessed the potential for manipulation in parental religious teaching first-hand. What f...

The Spiritual-But-Not-Religious Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Then she pulled out a giant, dull syringe and used it to squirt gel to stick the two dozen metal nodes to my head, soaking through my hair. The nodes need to make electrical contact with my skin to measure the brainwaves going on just behind my skull. The process took over half an hour. Like during ...

Chapter 11. Religious Specialists

As you have learned in previous chapters, reinforcement of a society’s beliefs in the forms of its rituals and practices offer cohesiveness and guidance and solidify community bonds. Therefore, prescribed rituals and practices often require the leadership and authority of those who are willing...

The Evil Religious Cult of Scientology.

60 Minutes released a Scientology special since controversy reemerged again, this time with “That ’70s Show” star Danny Masterson, who is getting 30 years to life in prison on rape charges. There is plenty of content that exposes Scientology and its horrifying conduct like thi...

Religious Wisdom: The Religious Significance of Clothing

Hello, Dear Readers and followers, welcome back to my new story, I hope all’s well. Clothing is one of the most personal topics to discuss even though most people are interested in knowing about different religious perspectives on dress codes. It has always been an important factor in Islam, C...