Tag: Realized

I Just Realized How Bad New York City’s Climate Change Problem Was

You know, there are certain moments where you read about climate change and just kind of shrug it off. You may feel a twinge of worry, or maybe just a little bit of a taste of guilt for that plastic bag you threw out. Then, you say, “Ah, it didn’t happen near me. Maybe it’s not so ...

My Grandpa Called Today – He Poured Wisdom That Can’t Be Realized From Books

It’s been a while since we last spoke. I heard his voice and smiled to myself. As we let each other know what’s currently up in our lives, I thought to myself: “The older I become, the more I hear myself in my grandfather. He’s me in another time period. The w...

I Just Realized How Bad New York City’s Climate Change Problem Was

You know, there are certain moments where you read about climate change and just kind of shrug it off. You may feel a twinge of worry, or maybe just a little bit of a taste of guilt for that plastic bag you threw out. Then, you say, “Ah, it didn’t happen near me. Maybe it’s not so ...

At 40, I Realized Entrepreneurs in Their 20s Understand Life Better Than I Do

We become workplace zombies. We clock in and out. We collect our paychecks without trying too hard to give our best effort at work. We check the financial markets during meetings. We doom-scroll. And then, we start reflecting. “This is not a life I seek. I need more control. I can do bet...