Tag: Reactions

Common Types of Nuclear Reactions

In this type of reaction, two or more small nuclei collide with one another and convert into a single heavier nucleus. Nuclear fusion occurs in elements with a low atomic number, such as hydrogen and helium. It is the exact counter-reaction of nuclear fission in which a heavier nucleus breaks down i...

Recursive Chemical Reactions

RDKit is an open-source cheminformatics toolkit written in C++ that can also be used in Java, Python, and KNIME. It provides a wide collection of cheminformatics functionality, such as reading and writing molecules, working with atoms, bonds and rings, generating 2D or 3D coordinates, sear...

Colorful Foam and Chemical Reactions: Simple Chemistry Experiments for Kids

This simple experiment offers valuable lessons in chemistry. The reaction between the baking soda (a base) and vinegar (an acid) produces carbon dioxide gas, resulting in the bubbling and fizzing action. It’s an excellent way to introduce the concept of chemical reactions to children in a hand...