Common Types of Nuclear Reactions

<p>In this type of reaction, two or more small nuclei collide with one another and convert into a single heavier nucleus. Nuclear fusion occurs in elements with a low atomic number, such as hydrogen and helium. It is the exact counter-reaction of nuclear fission in which a heavier nucleus breaks down into lighter nuclei. These reactions result in a large amount of energy emission. Energy in the universe is a cause of nuclear fusion reactions. The pressure at the center of a star is very high, so this reaction takes place. Its best example is the nuclear fusion reaction in the Sun, where the temperature in the core is 15 million degrees Celsius. At this high temperature and high pressure of core, two isotopes of hydrogen named deuterium and tritium collide and form helium, with the release of a tremendous amount of energy in heat form. According to a rough estimation, about 600 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium every second in the Sun.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>