Tag: Reaching

The Real Reason People in Our Lives Stop Reaching Out

Growing up, I often heard the expression “the phone works both ways” or “if they wanted to, they would”. It means that both people are responsible for maintaining a connection. It’s not on one person to keep a relationship going. The phone can make outgoing calls as eas...

Reaching Peak Meeting Efficiency

There over 7 million Google and 13,000 Giphy search results for “hate meetings”. There are almost as many for “love meetings” but that is just irony. Beyond that there are countless posts on time and money wasted in meetings — ”This Company Spent 300,000 Hours ...

Reaching Solarpunk Status: How NYC Can Be the City of Tomorrow Today.

You may have heard of the visual and literary movement Solarpunk [1]. It has gained traction since the early 2000s due to climate change’s continued impact and severity worldwide. What was once a topic of internet discussion boards and concept art on Tumblr pages; the Solar Punk move...

Reaching further: How physical therapy will scale and engage millions more in need

Millions of Americans suffer from physical pain, yet few are getting access to the treatment they need to improve their quality of life. By bringing telemedicine to physical therapy, PTs can reach more people early on to improve quality of life, lower their overall health costs, and reduce opioid ad...