Tag: radiation

Ask Ethan: How does Hawking radiation really work?

For many good reasons, black holes are among the most studied objects in the entire Universe. Initially predicted back in the late 18th century in the context of Newtonian gravity, black holes were shown to arise in the context of General Relativity as early as 1916. Astrophysically, they can be for...

Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t radiation dominate the Universe?

Today, our Universe is filled with stars and galaxies, and is not only expanding, but the Universe’s expansion is accelerating. If we were to break up the Universe into the different types of energy that compose it, we’d find that it was dominated by dark energy, which makes up 68% of th...

Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t radiation dominate the Universe?

Today, our Universe is filled with stars and galaxies, and is not only expanding, but the Universe’s expansion is accelerating. If we were to break up the Universe into the different types of energy that compose it, we’d find that it was dominated by dark energy, which makes up 68% of th...

Nature’s Radiation Shield: Fungi Can Protect Humanity from Cosmic Radiation

Iam fascinated by space; it is an incredibly vast and mysterious place that has captivated my imagination, so I went down the rabbit hole to explore cosmic radiation and how astronauts can protect themselves. By reading this article, you will learn about the challenges posed by cosmic radiation i...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Radiation

Alpha decay: Alpha decay occurs when the atom ejects a particle from the nucleus, which consists of two neutrons and two protons. When this happens, the atomic number decreases by 2 and the mass decreases by 4. Beta decay: In basic beta decay, a neutron is turned into a proton and an el...

How Many Bananas Would It Take to Get a Lethal Dose of Radiation?

The approximate radiation dose one gets from eating a banana is 0.1 microsieverts. A microsievert (μSv) is one millionth of a sievert, which is the unit used to measure the health effect of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body. A lethal dose of radiation is approximately 5 siever...

Ask Ethan: How does Hawking radiation really work?

For many good reasons, black holes are among the most studied objects in the entire Universe. Initially predicted back in the late 18th century in the context of Newtonian gravity, black holes were shown to arise in the context of General Relativity as early as 1916. Astrophysically, they can be for...