Tag: Quran

The Quran, Hadith, and Support for LGBT Identity: An Interpretative Exploration

As I put pen to paper, I’m all too aware that the journey I’m about to embark upon in this writing is laden with potential dangers. The ideas I aim to explore, the interpretations I plan to proffer, are undoubtedly controversial. In many corners of the world, including some I have called...

The Quran and Society

This is the final part of this series. This focuses on community and society as a whole. Thank you for taking the time to read them all. Haroon and I greatly appreciate you. The Qur’an is a timeless scripture that comes from a source outside of time. It is a text that contains “&he...

Does the Quran talk about punishing gay people?

The Quran itself does not explicitly state a legal punishment for homosexuality. According to the information provided, there is no specific verse in the Quran that prescribes a punishment for homosexual acts [1] [7]. The story of the Prophet Lot and the people of Sodom is mentioned in the Quran, wh...

Does the Quran correctly state that the Moon is a reflected light?

The Qur’an says the moon is a reflected light, since it derives its light from the sun. How could the Prophet have known this? It calls the moon ‘noor’ which here means reflected light. “See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another, and made the moo...

What is anti-Semitism? Does the Quran teach us about antisemitism?

Antisemitism is a term used to describe prejudice, discrimination, or hostility towards Jewish people. According to Antisemitism in Islam refers to scriptural and theological teachings in Islam against Jews and Judaism, as well as the treatment and persecution of Jews in the Muslim world. The Qur...

The Transformative Journey of Quran Online Reading

In an era where technology intertwines with every facet of our lives, traditional modes of learning are undergoing a profound transformation. One such transformation that resonates deeply with spiritual seekers is the journey of Quran online reading. In this exploration, we will delve into the ...

Empower Your Journey: Exploring the Noor al-Bayan Course

In the pursuit of deepening our understanding of the Quran, many seek guidance and structured learning. One such avenue is the Noor al-Bayan Course offered by Studio Arabiya. This comprehensive program is designed to empower learners at every stage of their journey towards mastering Qurani...

Understanding the Significance: When to Say ‘In shaa Allah’

Introduction: In the tapestry of Islamic culture, certain phrases carry profound significance, often reflecting a deeper connection to faith and a respectful acknowledgment of divine will. Among these phrases, “In shaa Allah” holds a unique place, encapsulating both humility and hope ...