Tag: Quitting

Why Losing Weight Will Be Harder For Me Than Quitting Drinking

Hello, everyone. Happy Friday. I do love Fridays, for all the obvious reasons. Way back when, I used to love Fridays because it was “party night” — the night to let loose after a long week of work and/or parenting. These Friday nights often began for me around dinnertime, whe...

Job Hunting and Quitting in London as a Foreigner- Episode 2

Since my job-hunting for the dream job failed at the very beginning in London, I kept looking for other opportunities… However, basic life spending is CRAZILY expensive in London even if I’ve tried to spend as less as I can. It felt like I was just throwing my money into a ...

Things I learned after quitting the internet

Some time ago I got rid of the Internet at home. It was a difficult but necessary decision to make, because I realized that I had become too reliant on constant online connection and started missing out on the real life. Quitting the Internet was also an important step to my never-ending journey ...

Quitting Zyrtec Is ‘Total Hell’

“That’s when I realized that something was wrong,” DeRosa says. DeRosa’s experience is not unique. Within the whisper network of online message boards, you’ll find hundreds of people who claim to have similar struggles when they tried to quit taking Zyrtec. They desc...

Supermodel perfectly described top benefit of quitting alcohol at 41

Recently, I was at a party chatting with a fellow soberite about big-time benefits we realized after quitting alcohol in our 40s. Typically people focus on the physical side — the weight loss, the better skin, the increased energy. And that’s probably because of the persistent myth...

Why Quitting Social Media Is One of the Best Decisions I Ever Made

My day has the same 24 hours as yours. But when I used social media, it felt more like 10. I didn’t know it then, but I spent too much time on there. I opened Facebook or Snapchat, went through my feed, and gone were 45 minutes. The pressure of my other obligations increased. I felt e...

I Tried Quitting Nicotine, Here’s What Happened

In this story, I share with you the raw and honest truth of my attempt to break free from the clutches of nicotine. It’s a journey with ups and downs. It has successes and setbacks. I went from cold turkey to nicotine gums and beyond. Why am I sharing this? I believe my experience is per...

The Most Surprising Side Effect of Quitting Weed

Five months ago, in August, I decided I needed to change my life, and it was time to get my cannabis ingestion under control. There are a lot of reasons that I knew I had to quit. Some of those reasons included: we were moving to a state where it wasn’t fully legal, I wanted to try and get a &...

Quitting Coffee and Reaching Deeper

The Beginning Before I begin meditating, let me paint a picture of my state of mind. I had just finished work and cycled my way home. After taking the dog out, we settled down for dinner, and then, I was ready — ready to meditate. The Shift Today, my perspective on meditation has shif...