Tag: Quite

10 Surprising Clues That You’re Actually Quite Intelligent

Have you ever questioned the extent of your intellect? Allow me to unveil a revelation Your cognitive prowess might vastly exceed your self-perception! Intellect takes myriad forms, occasionally lurking in plain view. In this discourse, we shall unveil ten intriguing signals that strongl...

3 Truths About Healing That Was Quite Difficult To Hear

1. Healing Never Ends You read that right. It never stops. Healing is not a destination that we reach once and then consider ourselves done. We can never say that we are completely healed. As long as we are here in this physical body, there will be something that happens that will re...

I Feel Quite Beat

Yes, I am writing a lot today. And no I don’t care what anyone thinks or whether some impersonal algorithm penalises me for it. Fuck algorithms and fuck what others think. The customer isn’t always right. I will write as much or as little as I like. I write for myself because I need t...

A Day Is Not 24 Hours

Our system of telling time is based on the premise that every day is exactly 24 hours long — quite precisely, with no exceptions. This concept is fully ingrained into our culture, a core principle of our modern technological society. At the same time, we are taught in school that a day corresp...

Taking My Own Nudes: Not Quite Empowerment, but Almost.

I was topless, staring at the image I made in the dim natural light. My hair had gotten long, and some of it was laying across my shoulders, hitting just above my breasts. My ashy, light brown roots (a newer development that came with age, since I’d been a dark blond for most of my life) had r...