3 Truths About Healing That Was Quite Difficult To Hear

<h1>1. Healing Never Ends</h1> <p>You read that right. It never stops.&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/3-signs-youre-healing-nicely-c7713ee076ba" rel="noopener">Healing is not a destination</a>&nbsp;that we reach once and then consider ourselves done.</p> <p>We can never say that we are completely healed. As long as we are here in this physical body, there will be something that happens that will require us to heal.</p> <p>Rather, healing is a continuous journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.</p> <p>It is an ongoing, lifelong process.</p> <p>Accepting this truth was difficult for me because, for about seven years, I had done a lot of healing, only to learn that it never ends.</p> <p>I wanted an end to the healing process.</p> <p>I wanted it to come to an end because all that healing was painful. Continuously shedding old skin was uncomfortable. Digging into the hidden parts of myself to uncover years of&nbsp;suppressed emotions&nbsp;was quite unsettling.</p> <p>But by understanding that healing is a lifelong journey, I could shift my perspective and embrace the opportunities for growth and self-improvement that it presents.</p> <p>Though difficult, this truth invited me to constantly examine myself, my patterns, and my behaviors, encouraging me to dig deeper into my&nbsp;wounds and shadows.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/3-truths-about-healing-that-was-quite-difficult-to-hear-f5c36e867c83">Website</a></p>
Tags: Quite Healing