Tag: Pyramids

The Mysteries of Sudan’s Ancient Nubian Pyramids

As the shimmering mirages of the Sudanese desert slowly began to recede under the unyielding glare of the midday sun, my anticipation started to build. After a long journey through unending stretches of sand and sparse acacia trees, our caravan was finally approaching the outskirts of Meroë....

The Bosnian Pyramids

Was it written in the stars? Now, sometimes providence plays its funny game in our lives, where no other explanation can be found. It turns out that stones do speak, although these particular stones had kept quite silent for thousands of years. After university, Semir had partly left...

Indigenous Pyramids in the United States & North America

‘Mound-building’ began as much as 5,500 years ago in North America. And many of these so-called mounds, are deserving of a more iconic term to accurately describe their purpose. Indigenous pyramids have been called mounds for centuries. But it’s hardly accurate. While the...

Egyptian Pyramids Start Making Sense

Arguably, for agriculture and for our civilization it was one of the most important inventions. Ammonia is the main component for soil fertilization. For Egypt, since predynastic civilization, this product was as important as it is for us since the 20th century. Geoffrey Drumm compares chambers in t...

Göbeklitepe: Why it is more important than the Pyramids

Göbeklitepe is an archaeological site located in the Şanlıurfa Province of Turkey. It is dated to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, making it the world’s oldest known complex of monumental structures. The site consists of a number of large stone pillars, or megaliths, arranged in circul...

From Pyramids to Palaces: Best Places to Visit in Cairo

Cairo, the vibrant capital of Egypt, is a city where ancient history and modernity blend seamlessly. As one of the world’s most historically rich cities, Cairo offers an array of spectacular sites that span from iconic pyramids to opulent palaces. Whether you’re a history buff, a cul...