Tag: Punishments

Most Brutal Medieval Punishments

The medieval period, known for its brutal methods of punishment, witnessed perhaps its most gruesome penalty in the form of being hanged, drawn, and quartered. This extreme form of capital punishment was reserved for those convicted of high treason in England. This crime was viewed as the gr...

8 unusual Punishments inflicted on women throughout history

Scold’s Bridle: In medieval Europe, the scold’s bridle, also known as the brank, was a punishment device used primarily on women accused of gossiping, nagging, or speaking out against authority. It consisted of an iron muzzle that enclosed the head, with a bridle bit or gag inserted into...

From Stocks to Exile: Discover the Various Punishments in British History

Ihad the rare experience of being summoned as a witness at a trial and being imprisoned for murder. Although it was part of a museum tour, the actors’ performances, surroundings, and props felt real. The different punishments that have been implemented in the history of the UK were intriguing....