8 unusual Punishments inflicted on women throughout history

<p><strong>Scold&rsquo;s Bridle</strong>: In medieval Europe, the scold&rsquo;s bridle, also known as the brank, was a punishment device used primarily on women accused of gossiping, nagging, or speaking out against authority. It consisted of an iron muzzle that enclosed the head, with a bridle bit or gag inserted into the mouth, preventing the person from speaking.</p> <p><strong>Witch Trials</strong>: During the witch-hunting era of the 16th and 17th centuries, women accused of witchcraft were subjected to cruel punishments. These included being dunked underwater (trial by water), being subjected to &ldquo;pricking&rdquo; or &ldquo;swimming&rdquo; tests, and being burned at the stake.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@edwinkingsly8/8-unusual-punishments-inflicted-on-women-throughout-history-d735b17ec365"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>