Tag: Probably

6 Things That You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Do With Pandas

With its powerful and flexible functionalities, Pandas has become an indispensable tool for data scientists and analysts. Referring to the statistics reported by PyPI, can you imagine that Padnas receives over 3M downloads daily? Of course, this statistic gives very little informatio...

11 Secrets About Loneliness That If You Are a Divine Being You Probably Know

Highly spiritual beings know the secrets of solitude. That is why divine beings since ancient times have sought solitude to take advantage of its benefits. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. Buddha meditated under a tree for a whole week. Lao-Tse lived his last days as a hermit. Wh...

7 Incredible Novels You’ve Probably Never Heard About

Did you know Mark Twain was obsessed with the story of Joan of Arc? And did you also know he spent 12 years researching her life and wrote a novel about her? Pretty wild! Twain regarded this as his best book, and it follows Joan’s life from early youth until her death. I didn’t know m...

A Disorganized, Probably Half-Sexist Open Letter to Women

You haven’t met this friend of mine, but you’ve read about him. I wrote about him some weeks ago, in my article titled Should We All Be Feminists? It is safe to say that this article, wouldn’t have been possible without him, but neither would the previous one. Just before I...

The Story of Probably the Only Man Who Had Stalin’s Envy And Trust

A young boy had snuck onto a train en route to Berlin. Upon seeing the ticket checker, he slipped under the seat. He couldn’t evade the scanning eyes of the man who bent down and asked in a stern voice, “Show me your ticket, lad.” With no hope in sight, the boy tore a newspaper ...

Not Aztecs and Probably Not Mexica

Note: I don’t mean to upset my fellow Mexican-Americans, Mexicans, or native peoples from Mexico with the following post. Modern descendants of indigenous Mesoamericans (nican tlacah or “people from here”) should be clearly allowed to call themselves what they like. This post ...