Not Aztecs and Probably Not Mexica

<p>Note: I don&rsquo;t mean to upset my fellow Mexican-Americans, Mexicans, or native peoples from Mexico with the following post. Modern descendants of indigenous Mesoamericans (<em>nican tlacah&nbsp;</em>or &ldquo;people from here&rdquo;) should be clearly allowed to call themselves what they like. This post makes clarifications about the pre-Conquest group of people that history refers to as Aztecs.</p> <p>Many people don&rsquo;t realize that it&rsquo;s a relatively modern and inaccurate practice to use &ldquo;Aztecs&rdquo; for a group of interrelated nations that could be more accurately referred to as&nbsp;<em>Nahuas.&nbsp;</em>The Nahuas of the 15th and 16th century used the word &ldquo;Aztecah&rdquo; to mean &ldquo;inhabitants of Aztlan,&rdquo; the legendary nation their ancestors had fled centuries before. To them, the &ldquo;Aztecah&rdquo; were severe overlords in that land whose rule the various tribes had escaped in a series of long exoduses. Imagine early US citizens calling themselves &ldquo;English,&rdquo; and you&rsquo;ll see why &ldquo;Aztec&rdquo; doesn&rsquo;t make a lot of sense.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>