Tag: Privilege

Linux Privilege Escalation with SUID files

What is SUID bit set? Definition: SUID (Set owner User ID up on execution) is a special permission that allows other users run with the owner’s privileges. That’s why SUID files can be exploited to give adversaries the higher privilege in Linux/Unix system called privilege escala...

Windows Privilege Escalation — Part 1 (Unquoted Service Path)

Prerequisites This blog post assumes that you have gotten a low privileged shell (either through netcat, meterpreter session, etc). Aim We will be creating a vulnerable service and shall be exploiting it in order to escalate our privilege level from low privileged user account to SYSTEM. ...

3 White Privilege Blind Spots in Boston That Are Keeping Us Racist

The murder of George Floyd and the widespread conversations about race that are finally happening after a decade of watching black people die have led us to a crucial inflection point. We can’t keep silent, as we have for so long — especially not when we see so many o...

Saving Money is a Privilege

There is a ton of personal finance advice out there from a bunch of people who call themselves experts. Live below your means. Put extra money into an emergency fund. Save for retirement in your company’s 401(k), and make sure you’re taking advantage of their match. Invest in index funds...

The Afternoon That I Temporarily Lost My White Privilege

In my youth, I was a stagehand. I have spent many hours rigging shows, running a soundboard, working a spotlight, and loading and unloading hundreds if not thousands of trucks. In 1991, I decided to experience life on the road with a band as equipment manager. I was hired by a South African re...

How A Woman’s Remark Helped Me Understand My Male Privilege

In the heart of a city, there was a silence that I had never noticed before. The pandemic had transformed bustling streets into hushed avenues, where the echoes of my footsteps seemed to carry more weight than they used to. It was during one of these late-night walks, a simple conversation cracke...

The Case for Privilege — Why Being Privileged is Not a Bad Thing

The word “privilege” has taken on a negative connotation in today’s society. It can be challenging to have a constructive dialogue about it when people are quick to label others as “bad.” But what exactly is privilege? And why is it seen as a bad thing? Webster&rs...

Penises, Privilege, and Feminist & LGBTQ+ Purity Politics

In this essay, I will share these insights and show that, while these exclusionary practices are often rationalized in terms of “privilege,” they are primarily driven by a form of purity politics rooted in patriarchal and heteronormative notions about sex and sexuality. I will also consi...

So Very Sorry You Wasted All That White Privilege on Me

It’s a weird way to experience racism, but oh so familiar to me. Much like the commenter, I am generally perceived as a white woman. My skin is almost the colour of milk. My eyes are blue. My hair, when in its natural state, is brown. I look very much like my white mother, except for the wi...

Fort Surrender: Chasidic Privilege

“You seem so angry. Are you able to calm down? Can you sleep at night? Do you need meds?” That was my Chasidic uncle’s response to me trying to convince him that Black lives matter. I hung up on him. This is not about me. This is about the Chasidic Community. Its racism. Its privil...

It’s a Privilege to Educate Yourself About Racism Instead of Experiencing It: White Privilege Explained

I vividly recall the moment a black man labelled me as “white privileged” for the first time. The impact of those words lingered, accompanied by a sense of confusion and hurt, as I struggled to grasp the essence of his statement. What perplexed me even more was the context in which he ch...

How White Privilege Disproves The Lie About a Merit-Based Society

Black Americans know all too well that this country has never been a merit-based society and that working hard is not enough to guarantee you access to the same opportunities extended to White people. This is a discussion many Black parents have with their children, not to discourage them from ...

White Privileges Does Not Exist and Here Is Why

As a black conservative, I often find myself in the middle of some heated debates, especially when it comes to the topic of white privilege. Now, I’m going to lay it out straight: I don’t believe white privilege exists, and here’s why. First off, let’s talk about the term ...

White Privilege Explained

I watched something today that made me angry. I can’t even tell you what show it was, but it was a bunch of people debating the existence of white privilege. It’s 2023 and we’re still debating this? Apparently. So, I thought I’d throw myself into the debate and explain,...

The Afternoon That I Temporarily Lost My White Privilege

In my youth, I was a stagehand. I have spent many hours rigging shows, running a soundboard, working a spotlight, and loading and unloading hundreds if not thousands of trucks. In 1991, I decided to experience life on the road with a band as equipment manager. I was hired by a South African re...

It’s a Privilege to Educate Yourself About Racism Instead of Experiencing It: White Privilege Explained

The concept of privilege is intricate and layered, embodying more than the surface-level understanding many hold. It acknowledges that while personal hardships and struggles are valid and significant, privilege operates within a wider societal framework. This framework tends to favour certain groups...

White privilege isn’t what you think

If you get mad every time someone mentions white privilege, read on. You just might see white privilege through new eyes. White privilege has an actual definition and it’s not what many people think. If you know me or if you read my regular columns or essays, you might be familiar with how ...

Latinos and Privilege

I remember the first time this hit me was when I attended a Key Club state conference in Orlando. My all-girl private high school along with two other primarily Hispanic private schools from Miami combined raised far more charitable donations than the entire rest of the hundred or so schools represe...

Privilege and Achievement

I’m nobody important. Full disclosure, I’m everything that should be happy and living a life of ease. I’ve got all the privilege checkboxes ticked: I’m white, male, straight, cis-gendered, Christian, able-bodied for the most part, and come from a middle class family. I str...

On White Privilege in Taiwan

Ihave lived here in Taiwan for over four years. Overall it’s been a great experience. However, I wanted to share something that’s a bit less talked about: the case of white privilege in Taiwan. When I studied Mandarin here, I got a stipend from the government. I was told rather jealou...

The Terrifying Privilege

I work from home but I work for a specific type of insurance that helps people when they’re older so I frequently get calls from older people regarding their plans and benefits. I absolutely love speaking to them. I don’t make any calls — my job does not include sales of an...

Why Are We Still Calling Out Women On Their Skinny Privilege?

You’re one to talk, sorry, but you’re skinny. You wouldn’t understand,” she said. Her words, casual yet cutting, lingered in the air of the locker room. It didn’t really matter what I was feeling. She continued to change her clothes freely while I turned arou...