Tag: Predictive

Predictive Modelling — An beginner’s overview of Linear Regression Model

In our previous Day 1 post, we introduced the concept of regression in the context of machine learning, emphasizing its role in prediction modeling. https://learn.g2.com/hubfs/G2CM_FI416_Learn_Article_Images-%5BRegression_Analysis%5D_V1a.png Regression is a powerful technique that examines...

Predictive analytics and machine learning: the future of workforce optimization in logistics

Predictive analytics and machine learning have revolutionized various industries by providing valuable insights and optimizing processes. In the logistics industry, these technologies have proven particularly useful in optimizing workforce needs and improving workforce planning. By using predictive ...

Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Vehicle: An In-depth Guide

Model Predictive Control (MPC) is the industry standard for autonomous navigation control algorithms. Essentially, MPC helps the vehicle to predict and plan for future events by continuously generating a series of control actions that will get the vehicle closer to its desired trajectory. ...

How AirBnb Uses Predictive Analytics To Make You More Money

Do you want to know how to make more money with reports that help you make decisions for the future? AirBnb has over 5 million hosts and has reported to have a total of 1.5 billion successful stays since founding in 2007. Can you imagine 1.5 billion people standing somewhere? Looking for a ...

Data analysis: ingredients of skincare products not predictive of product price

The skincare industry is extremely profitable — the global market for cosmetic skincare in 2020 was estimated at 145.3 billion USD. However, how skincare companies price their products seems to be a closely-guarded secret. For example, a 16-ounce tub of La Mer cream is priced at 2...