Tag: Pre

Work X Pre-Sale Details

Hi everyone! We are very excited to announce the upcoming Work X Pre-Sale! If you’ve heard the whispers but are looking for a comprehensive guide on the pre-sale details, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into what you can expect. Native Work X Pre-Sale Platform ...

Pre Meeting, Meeting, Post Meeting — Leveraging the Pre and Post

We all hate meetings. Maybe not all of us. My therapist said I wasn’t supposed to use words like always or never, but I am pretty sure we all hate meetings. Yet we have them because… Well, we have them because that is the way we work. I am not totally sure who came up with this idea, bu...

A Guide to Using Pre-Commit Hooks for Terraform: Save Time and Improve Code Quality

In the ever-changing world of tech, it is essential to ensure the quality and security of your code. However, manually running command-line checks before every commit can be a time-consuming and tedious task. In this blog post, we will introduce you to Pre-commit hooks, a powerful tool that ...

Post-Bar Exam & Pre-Bar Results

It’s partly because it is finally (and hopefully forever) over; partly due to the uniqueness of the experience; and partly because it’s triggering. Taking a test should be just taking a test, and it certainly will never be comparable to a doctor’s diagnosis or the passing of a l...

The Cost of a Pre-Vacation Beauty Routine

I’m the kind of person who gets to the airport three hours early. I love preparing, and I hate being rushed. Getting ready for vacation can be stressful — all that planning! all that budgeting! — but if at the end of it you can relax on a tropical island, it’s worth the work....