The Cost of a Pre-Vacation Beauty Routine

<p>I&rsquo;m the kind of person who gets to the airport three hours early. I love preparing, and I hate being rushed. Getting ready for vacation can be stressful &mdash; all that planning! all that budgeting! &mdash; but if at the end of it you can relax on a tropical island, it&rsquo;s worth the work.</p> <p>The part of planning for a beach vacation that I most enjoy is my pre-vacation beauty regimen. Usually my beauty routines all fall on a carefully-spread-out schedule over a few months to balance out both the time and money I spend. When I&rsquo;m getting ready for vacation, every grooming service I sign up for gets compressed into the week before I leave town.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pre Vacation