Tag: Prairie

Murals Tell Us About Canadian Prairie Life in Lacombe, Alberta

Art is a voice. It is used to spread all sorts of messages. Some are loud and proud, others are subtle and mysterious. In the small town of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, they have used art to bring the past into the present. Touting themselves as Alberta’s ‘mural capital’, Lacombe (...

Drama on the Prairie

This morning, my husband and I visited Paynes Prairie, a wetlands park south of our city. With afternoon storms predicted, I wanted a chance to squeeze in a little birding before the rains arrived. Due to drought conditions and low waters, there were an unusual number of birds at the Prairie...

More farmers sought for prairie strips

This fall, five farmers in northeast Mower County enrolled nearly 80 acres of cropland to convert to native prairie strips that, unlike other set-aside programs, they can turn around on and cross with farm machinery. With each getting up to $300 per acre annually from the federal government, they...

Quiz — How Much Do You Know About Prairie Dogs?

Prairie dogs are interesting but often overlooked animals that live in North America. These creatures stay in tight-knit colonies and even have complex communication systems. Check out this quiz to find out how much you really know about prairie dogs! Click Here

Prairie Madness — An Introduction to Criminal Insanity on the High Plains

A lot of things have changed in my life since coming to Colorado from California two years ago. I am discovering things about myself that I suspected, but could not verify in the balmy climate around San Diego, mostly revolving around the differences between that Eden-like atmosphere and this one, w...

Little Name Change on the Prairie

Note: I recognize that for me to write on this topic as a white person with a settler mindset will result in mistakes. Please call me out/in. This year, our school decided to stop calling the main building at our farm campus “The Homestead.” We did this because of the association of t...