Prairie Madness — An Introduction to Criminal Insanity on the High Plains

<p>A lot of things have changed in my life since coming to Colorado from California two years ago. I am discovering things about myself that I suspected, but could not verify in the balmy climate around San Diego, mostly revolving around the differences between that Eden-like atmosphere and this one, which better resembles Dante&rsquo;s 9th circle of Hell &mdash; frozen over. A transplanted Englishman there in what was once America&rsquo;s Finest City once told me, and try to hear these words in your best &quot;southern standard British&quot; accent -&nbsp;<em>people in San Diego don&rsquo;t go to London for the weather.</em>&nbsp;But just like only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun, sometimes San Diegans do irrational things, like moving to places&nbsp;<em>despite</em>&nbsp;the weather.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Prairie