Tag: Potentials

Day 2: Unveiling Potential

Day 2 of our 40-day challenge commences with the soft melody of the 5 AM alarm. The dawn of a new day brings with it a sense of purpose and anticipation. With sleep still in your eyes, you rise, acknowledging that each early moment is a brick in the foundation of success. I will not lie, this is tou...

Hidden Potential: How Scientists Are Unveiling Real Superpowers

While the idea of acquiring superhuman abilities may seem like something out of a comic book, recent scientific breakthroughs have shown promising results in unlocking hidden potentials within the human body and mind. One area of research that has gained significant attention is the study of huma...

7 False Beliefs That Are Stifling Your Creative Potential

1. Creativity is a Talent You’re Born With Reality: While some people may have more natural creative tendencies, creativity is a skill that can be developed over time through practice. Believing it’s innate can discourage people from trying. But even people who don’t consid...

Time Energy Potential = 0.5 c²/D²

Potential provides the whole picture (that is why the opening quote from John 9): it is easy to derive energy, work, force, and even velocity (using energy conservation principle) from it. Newton’s formula V = U/m = — G×M/R ~ m²/sec² still depends on mass M of the at...