7 False Beliefs That Are Stifling Your Creative Potential

<h1>1. Creativity is a Talent You&rsquo;re Born With</h1> <p><strong>Reality:</strong>&nbsp;While some people may have more natural creative tendencies, creativity is a skill that can be developed over time through practice. Believing it&rsquo;s innate can discourage people from trying. But even people who don&rsquo;t consider themselves &ldquo;creative types&rdquo; can boost their creative capacity.</p> <h1>2. Creative People Are Disorganized Oddballs</h1> <p><strong>Reality</strong>: There are orderly and methodical creative people, and disorganized eccentric ones. Creativity presents itself in all personality types. Pigeon-holing creative people as messy or scatterbrained underestimates those with different working styles.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/write-a-catalyst/7-false-beliefs-that-are-stifling-your-creative-potential-1acd14bfb29c"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>